Make the right move. Doesn’t that phrase sound like something to do with playing chess? In matters of construction law, making the right move would mean finding a highly adept and accessible construction lien lawyer. Chess is often touted as a thinker’s game; many people don’t know how to play chess. Perhaps they don’t find joy in learning or playing the game, but for one reason or another many people don’t understand the rules.
If a beginner-level chess player were asked to play chess and the stakes were high, it is likely that they would immediately scour the internet or newspaper to look for the most accessible and highly adept chess player. They would probably want this professional player to take on as many chess matches as possible for them. Arguably, the beginner chess player could attempt to learn about chess, but why not ask one of the professionals? If it all possible, why not hire them to play the game? This would be their way of making the right move.

If you or someone you know is involved in construction, there may come a time where you need legal advice regarding construction liens. If this is the case, then it’s time for you to make the right move and choose Bret Jones, P.A. as your construction lien lawyer.
Choosing who will help us during times of distress is often the key to our ultimate success. We all want to make the right move in deciding who is going to guide us through our troubles and concerns. Picking our protector depends on which scenario or occurrence is currently causing us stress. Hiring an attorney isn’t a casual decision. You deserve the best service from an excellent law firm. You deserve Bret Jones, P.A.
Why Would Anyone Need a Construction Lien Lawyer?
As with any line of work, we all hope that everyone is working at optimum capacity. That they are performing to the best of their ability, and that there are no setbacks. Unfortunately, fate can have another say in the way things play out. The construction world can be besieged by the ills of every other line of work. People and plans fall through from time to time.
Whether these happenings are done maliciously or not, hard work is hard work. Everyone needs to put food on the table. There are bills to pay and they’re not going away by themselves. You may find yourself on one side or the other when it comes to a construction lien. Whether you are an owner or a lienor, if you are dealing with a construction lien, you need a construction lien lawyer.
Unfortunately, there are many scenarios that can arrive uninvited. At times like these, you need a law firm that you can trust. If you are looking for an Orlando construction lien lawyer, look no further than Bret Jones, P.A.

Our very own Bret Jones understands the construction world on a personal level. Visiting construction sites in the Midwest and then in Central Florida throughout his life, Bret spent his early childhood checking all sorts of construction sites with his Dad and Grandpa, including his Uncle’s excavating company. Throughout his formative years, Bret still spent time with his family visiting job sites and learning a lot about the construction industry.
Construction is a part of Bret’s family history and is still an active part of his family today. Bret personally understands what property developers, contractors, subcontractors, and many more individuals related to the construction industry deal with on a day-to-day basis. At Bret Jones, P.A., we’re here to handle your construction legal matters.
What Florida Statutes Would A Construction Lien Lawyer Commonly Refer To?
In today’s world, it is easy to do a little bit of research in any matter. That being said, it is important to remember that professionals are professionals for a reason. That is true in every single field or line of work. As Alexander Pope said, “A little learning is a dangerous thing.” There’s nothing wrong with wanting to know a little bit about the law that you may be wading through, but let your lawyer do the wading for you.
There’s no need for you to get caught up in any legal confusion. Let your construction lien lawyer do the legal work for you. If you have legal questions, ask your lawyer. That’s why you hired them! Any law firm that you hire to take care of any legal matter should be able to provide you answers to your legal questions.
Nevertheless, you may wonder about what your lawyer may look at regarding construction liens. Curious to take a look at the relevant Florida Statutes? Chapter 713, Part 1, of the Florida Statutes is the relevant statutory law pertaining to Florida construction lien law. These statutes, as well as the necessary and appropriate case law, would assist your lawyer in your construction lien matters.
What Should I Expect With a Construction Lien Lawyer?
As with any lawyer, you should expect to be treated with courtesy. Your lawyer should also be able to provide you with answers to your legal questions regarding construction law. If your livelihood is connected to the field of construction, having a reliable and trustworthy construction lien lawyer is of paramount importance.
Unfortunately, no matter what side of a construction lien issue you are on, you will probably face lien issues one time or another. Consulting a construction lien lawyer that you can depend on will make the world of a difference. At Bret Jones, P.A., we can help you through the process.

If you are in the construction field, you may already be familiar with how to file a construction lien in Florida. If you are not, that’s okay too. You don’t need to be an expert in construction law, or how the law deals with construction disputes.
On the other hand, you may have worked in the construction world your whole life. Perhaps you already know a thing or two. For instance, you may have been looking for a mechanic lien attorney to help you. In the world of real property, a mechanic’s lien is the same as a construction lien. No matter what term you use, we are here to help you at Bret Jones, P.A. Expect nothing less than the best with our law firm.
Construction Issues? Make The Right Move
In matters of construction law, you deserve a law firm that will consider each and every matter with the utmost importance. You should be able to contact a law firm and have your questions answered. A law firm should make you feel comfortable knowing that your concerns are seriously addressed.
Some element of construction is related to the livelihoods of many, especially in Central Florida. Whether you are a subcontractor, property developer, or otherwise, we respect the hard work conducted by all parties in the field of construction. At Bret Jones, P.A., let us be your go-to in all legal matters regarding construction law. If you have concerns related to construction liens, we are the construction lien lawyer you need. Make the right move. Hire Bret Jones, P.A. as your law firm.